
February 10, 2003 || 9:06 pm

These past few days, I've been resenting the phrase different tastes. Whenever people argue about a certain point in art or anything subjective, either they agree or come to that conclusion.

Indeed, once the phrase is spoken, the argument stops. But nothing really is solved. The whole world is just divided into yours and mine, and a line in between that can never be breached.

We tend to hide under that blanket. Me, mine, subjectiveness. Of course, we can't help it. But we never really try, do we? To get past that. Try to push subjectivity and try to see the other's subjectiveness. To see thru his eyes, to think with his mindset. To realize subjectivity thru the other.

Almost always, when we argue, it is for the sake of swaying the other to our side, to our point of view. We never really try understanding him.

And I think that is the key. Understanding. Even if we don't agree with the other, I believe the least we can do is to see why he thinks that way. Why a particular face caught his fancy? Was it because the hook of her nose? Or her eyes remind him of a particular event? Or he likes the color of her hair under a certain light?

When we do that, it is not compromising our stand or our subjectivity. But rather, broadening it. Then we wouldn't be too hasty to divide the world. Maybe then, we will be able to see ourselves in the other. Even only for a moment, under a certain subjectiveness.

Ernan at 9:37 PM



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